how to manage pain during abortion

How To Manage Pain During Abortion

Key Points

  • Knowing how to manage pain during abortion is essential
  • Every woman experiences abortion pain differently.
  • Some women compared the pains to a normal menstrual cramps.

What to expect!

There are 2 ways to end a pregnancy and the abortion procedure of your choice will depend on how far along you are. 

  1. Before terminating, conformation of pregnancy must be done.
  2. The nurse assisting you will discuss the available options you have.
  3. You will be required to complete and sign the necessary paperwork.

Depending on various factors, tele-abortion services may be available for your convenience. 

Does abortion hurt?

The answer if abortion hurts will vary per individual and several factors might contribute to the how painful an abortion would be for example:-

  • The stage of pregnancy.
  • Your personal tolerance for pain.
  • Your emotional state and stress levels
  • Your overall health status will also paly an important role

What level of pain is expected during abortion?

symptoms experienced after abortion

The intensity of abortion pain and discomfort an individual may encounter is significantly influenced by the type of abortion you choose. So let’s dive into each of these abortion procedures.

Pain during medical abortions

A medical abortion also referred to as medication abortion involves the administration of two prescribed abortion tablets. Mifepristone to stop the hormone that  supports the pregnancy and Misoprostol to expel the pregnancy.

Before the pregnancy is expelled, Misoprostol causes strong abdominal cramps. The pain is most intense during the expulsion of the pregnancy, which usually occurs between 2 and 4 hours later.

Side effects of medical abortions

Medical abortions can cause vaginal bleeding similar to heavy periods, accompanied by passing large menstrual clots. Other side effects include:-

  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Cramping
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • And diarrhea

Surgical abortion pain

In-clinic abortion also known as surgical procedures, the level of pain experienced is bearable because an anesthetics will be used to numb the cervix.

However, individuals may experience sensations of dragging or pulling throughout the abortion process. But after the process, cramping can continue but will be bearable compared to that women experience when they terminate using pills. 

Side effects of Surgical abortions

In-clinic procedure have lesser side effects and these might include, dizziness and sharp abortion pain after the procedure. However major complication that can occur are:-

  • hemorrhaging
  • uterine, cervix, or other organ injuries

How long does abortion pain last?

Pain during or after termination may be different for every woman. The pains may continue even during recovery but utilizing abdominal pain medication can be taken to moderate the cramping but expect some discomfort even after using the medication.

However abortion Pains experienced during the surgical procedure is lesser compared to the abortion pill process.

How to manage pain during abortion

To manage abortion during abortion, women can:-

  • Use abdominal pain relievers like ibuprofen but avoid aspirin.
  • Home remedies such as taking a warm shower or using a warm water bottle can also help.

If the abortion pain persists, it is important to contact a nearby abortion provider for further evaluation.

Do abortions have any emotionally impacts?

The emotional impact of terminating a pregnancy varies from person to person and can be influenced by several factors and each woman’s reason is valid. 

People may feel relief, gratitude, sadness, guilt, or a sense of loss, or a combination of these emotions. If struggling to cope, seeking the help of a mental healthcare professional would be advisable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Surgical abortions are indeed less painful because they performed under anesthesia to ensure the comfort and well-being of the patient.

The use of anesthesia helps to minimize any potential abortion pain or discomfort during the procedure, making it a safer and more manageable experience for individuals undergoing surgical abortions.

The type of anesthesia used during a surgical procedure depends on the patient’s personal preference.

Some individuals opt for moderate sedation, administered through an intravenous line, which leaves them responsive yet drowsy and effectively manages pain.

Alternatively, many patients choose to take an oral dose of ibuprofen prior to their procedure and receive local anesthesia in the cervix, finding this approach perfectly adequate.

The level of bleeding especially after medical abortions tends  and can last 2 – 3 days after the abortion procedure. This may be followed by lighter bleeding that could persist for 2-3 weeks.

 It’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s guidance and monitor your symptoms during this time. If you have any concerns about the bleeding, be sure to contact your healthcare provider for further advice and support.

After an abortion, it is very important to stay vigilant of warning signs that can be risk to you health. And if any those mentioned above appear it is  important to consult a doctor Asap!

  • uncontainable abdominal pains that can’t be controlled with over-the-counter medicine
  • Heavy bleeding with large blood clots almost the size of a lemon
  • Dizziness, sweating, and nausea are common but if they also persist seek medical attention Asap!

Yes abortion pain can be compared to labour pains because during abortion the second abortion pill miosprostol induces labor contractions which will later expell and hence removal of the fetal tissue and uterine lining. 

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