
is a follow up appointment after abortion important?

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Why illegal and unsafe abortions are dangerous


One of the most serious consequences of unsafe abortion is the risk of infection. Unsafe abortions are usually performed by unqualified medical professionals in an unsanitary environment, often with dangerous and unsanitary methods. This increases the risk of infection drastically, as bacteria can easily spread from the instruments used to the woman’s body. Causes of unsafe abortion, such as lack of access to contraceptives and education about safe sex practices, also contribute to a greater risk of infection. Unsafe abortions in developing countries are especially dangerous due to a lack of resources and knowledge to prevent and treat infections. As a result, many women suffer from severe infections or even death due to dangerous abortions. Maternal deaths due to abortion are highly avoidable with access to safe abortion practices and better public health education. It is therefore essential that only legal and certified abortion clinic, doctors or Registered Nurses are used when seeking an abortion, as they will have access to clean and safe environments, sterilized instruments and the necessary knowledge to provide a safe abortion.

2- Injury to the cervix or internal organs

Unsafe abortion procedures can cause significant damage to the cervix and internal organs. These injuries are caused when a person attempts a self-induced abortion, uses an untrained practitioner, or doesn’t have access to proper medical care. When an abortion is performed improperly, it can lead to lacerations, infections, and other complications that can have long-term effects on fertility and physical health.

Some of the causes of unsafe abortion include the use of sharp objects or instruments like coat hangers, knitting needles, and scissors. In some developing countries, unsafe abortions are performed using traditional methods like herbal remedies or toxic substances. These methods are highly dangerous and can result in serious injury or death.

In addition to the physical dangers posed by unsafe abortion practices, there are also risks of psychological trauma due to feelings of guilt and shame. The emotional effects can be especially damaging for women in developing countries who lack access to mental health care or support systems.

It is important to remember that the consequences of unsafe abortion can be dire. People should always seek professional medical help if they are considering an abortion. It is essential to ensure that safe, legal methods are used in order to minimize the risks associated with illegal abortions and protect the health of both mother and child.

3- Excessive bleeding


Excessive bleeding is one of the most dangerous effects of unsafe abortion. During a safe, legal procedure, excessive bleeding is rare, but it can occur if a woman has an underlying medical condition that predisposes her to heavy bleeding. But when women undergo unsafe methods of abortion such as taking herbal remedies or using unsanitary instruments, they risk dangerous levels of blood loss. If you have recently undergone an abortion, pay close attention to how much blood you are losing and keep track of how many pads you change in an hour. If you soak through more than two maxi pads in one hour for two consecutive hours, or if you pass large clots or feel dizzy and light-headed, call your doctor right away. These are all signs of excessive blood loss and require medical attention immediately. In very rare cases, excessive bleeding can also be caused by a uterine injury that occurred during the abortion. This is why it’s so important to understand the risks of illegal abortions and to always seek out safe and legal procedures when considering abortion. Unsafe abortion procedures can have long-term consequences, including maternal deaths due to abortion and infertility, making it imperative to stay informed on the dangers of unsafe abortion practices.

4 - Scarring

Scarring is one of the potential consequences of unsafe abortion procedures. Scarring can occur as a result of dangerous methods of abortion that involve introducing foreign objects into the uterus such as knitting needles or coat hangers. Unsafe abortions are also more likely to lead to infection and tissue damage, both of which can lead to scarring. This can cause long-term damage to the reproductive system and even infertility in some cases. Unsafe abortions have also been linked to maternal death due to infection and bleeding. The risks of scarring, injury, and death from unsafe abortions are particularly high in developing countries where access to safe, legal abortion services is limited or non-existent. The dangers of illegal abortions are a real threat, and it’s important for women to understand the potential consequences of unsafe abortion procedures.

5 - Infertility

Infertility is a major consequence of unsafe abortion practices and can be caused by a variety of factors. Unsafe abortions are often carried out with dangerous methods, including using foreign objects such as sharp sticks or wire, manual vacuum aspiration, ingestion of poisonous substances, and the use of caustic agents such as lye or bleach. All of these methods can cause significant damage to the reproductive organs, including the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes, leading to infertility. In addition, infection is one of the most common causes of infertility due to unsafe abortion, with bacterial infections being a major culprit. Maternal deaths due to abortion are also unfortunately more likely in developing countries where there is limited access to safe and legal abortion services.

The risks of illegal abortion cannot be overstated: those considering an illegal procedure should be aware of the potential for long-term effects such as infertility, physical injury, and even death. With access to safe, legal abortion services, women can avoid these consequences and safeguard their health.


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