The Ultimate Guide To Medical Termination Of Pregnancy

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Medical Termination of Pregnancy
Understanding the Science Behind It!

A medical termination of pregnancy is a procedure that effectively terminates an early pregnancy through the use of a carefully coordinated combination of medications. This method typically involves two primary drugs: Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

Mifepristone, the first medication administered, functions by blocking the action of progesterone, a hormone critical for maintaining the pregnancy. After stopping the production and effects of this hormone, Mifepristone will the be used to disrupt the normal progression of pregnancy by causing  contractions in the uterus that facilitate the expulsion of pregnancy tissue.


A combination of Misoprostol and Mifepriston.


A combination of Misoprostol and Mifepristone

Why would a pregnancy be medical terminated?

Having a pregnancy medically terminated is a highly personal decision that individuals make based on their unique circumstances, beliefs, and health considerations. However before deciding on whether to proceed with the process one has to be eligible for a medical abortion procedure.

  • One may decide to medically terminate the pregnancy because they’re concerned about passing along a congenital or inherited disease.
  • Some women may have the pregnancy terminated because it was an unplanned pregnancy or its life threatening. 
  • Lastly a medical termination is an effective way of treating a miscarriage that hasn’t fully expelled yet.

How does a medical termination work?

The first step in abortion care is a consultation, typically over the phone or, for a more personal approach, in-person at a clinic. During your initial post abortion consultation, you will be assessed for eligibility ie:- Do you qualify to use abortion pills to end the pregnancy?

It is important to know that there are two different ways the abortion pill can be administered. Preferred Medication Abortion Strategy Taking Mifepristone and Misoprostol. The combination of both abortion pills has proven to be very effective and safe, with a success rate of over 95%.

However, there is also an alternative method in which you take only the Misoprostol alone. abortion pill. Please note that this method does not have as high a success rate as the combination method, but can be considered in situations where Mifepristone is not available or is contraindicated.

Misoprostol Alone

  • Misoprostol alone may not be effective as well as the combination of misoprostol and mifepristone.
  • Dissolve 4 Misoprostol tablets under your tongue and let them dissolve for 30 minutes.
  • Swallow any remaining pieces in your mouth using water.
  • Wait for 3 hours and take 4 more Misoprostol tablets with water.
  • If you’re more than nine weeks pregnant, you’ll need to swallow another 4 tablets after 4 hours incase you havent started bleeding.

Mifepristone & Misoprostol

  • A combination of Misoprostol and Mifepristone is 97% effective in terminating unwanted pregnancies.
  • Swallow 1 mifepristone tablet and then have to wait for a period of  24 to 48 hours.
  • After 24 hours, dissolve 4 misoprostol tablets under the tongue and as they melt swallow everything in your mouth. you may use some water to rinse and swallow.
  • During this time, you shouldn’t eat or drink anything in order to ensure that the medication is properly digested.
  • You might be required to swallow another extra 4 misoprostol pills after three hours  if you’re more than nine weeks pregnant and haven’t started bleeding three hours after taking the pills, you’ll need to repeat the second step.

What to expect after taking the abortion pills


When Should You Consider Medical Termination of Pregnancy? Key Factors to Discuss

One key fact about a medical abortion is that it is considered safe when performed under the guidance of qualified healthcare professionals. Numerous studies and extensive clinical evidence support the safety and efficacy of this procedure,

However, not every women seeking to end the pregnancy will qualify for the procedure since there can be potential risks or complications that may arise, particularly if the pregnancy is past 12 weeks of gestation, have a previous cesarian or procedure is not conducted in a controlled environment or without proper medical oversight.

Who qualifies for a medical termination of pregnancy

  • Women less than 12 weeks into the pregnancy.
  • Women who prefer privacy and need to have the procedure in the comfort of their homes.
  • Women afraid of needles because it requires no anaesthetic.
  • Women seeking quick and affordable abortion options.
  • Women in areas will limited abortion services or transportation. 

Risks involved with medical abortions

  • There is a possibility of heavy to excessive bleeding during or even after the termination is completed. 
  • Some women tend to experience digestive system discomfort during the process.
  • There is a high possibility of acquiring  infection during recovery if proper hygiene is not practiced. 
  • There is a possibility of  having an ongoing pregnancy or incomplete abortion procedure due to patients being given a less dosage. 

Where to Get Help

Women seeking medical abortion pills or medical abortions or searching for abortion pills can 

for telemedicine abortion services, also known as a “pill by mail.”

How to Prepare for a Medical termination of pregnancy
Essential Tips and Considerations!

Preparing for a medical termination of pregnancy involves careful consideration and planning, which can vary significantly depending on the option you choose—whether it is self-medication at home or undergoing the procedure at a clinic. Each approach has its own set of guidelines, procedures, and implications that are crucial to understand.

Self medication

  • For those opting for self-medication, it is vital to have access to reliable information and resources. This typically entails obtaining the necessary medications, such as mifepristone and misoprostol, which are commonly used in this method.
  • Individuals must also educate themselves about the correct dosage and administration process to ensure safety and efficacy.
  • Furthermore, it is important to consider having a support system in place during this time, as emotional well-being can be impacted.

Clinic Premises

  • On the other hand, choosing to have the procedure performed at a clinic offers a different experience. Clinics usually provide comprehensive care that includes physical consultations with healthcare professionals.
  • This option often includes immediate medical support in case of complications or adverse reactions, which can provide additional peace of mind for those undergoing the procedure.

Regardless of the choice made, being well-informed about what to expect before, during, and after the termination is essential for ensuring a safe experience. It may also involve discussing options with healthcare providers who can offer guidance tailored to individual circumstances and health conditions.

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How to

The combination of these two medications has been shown to be highly effective in safely terminating an early pregnancy while allowing individuals to manage their reproductive health with privacy and autonomy. It is important to note that medical abortions are typically performed up to ten weeks into a pregnancy and require follow-up care to ensure that the process is complete and complications are avoided. As such, they represent a crucial option for those seeking reproductive healthcare services in various contexts around the world.

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