What Are The Most Affordable Types Of Abortion?

different types of abortion

Deciding on what types of abortion procedures are suitable for terminating a pregnancy are determined by a patients previous history and gestation period. Women seeking abortion services need to understand that there are mainly 2 methods of abortion:-

Medication abortion which involves taking medication to end the pregnancy, typically within the first 10 weeks of gestation. Surgical termination on the other hand, is a procedure performed in a clinic or hospital. It’s generally used for pregnancies beyond 10 weeks.

How Safe Is Having An Abortion

In general having an abortion is a safe procedure but might come with a small risk of complication just like any medical procedure. It is crucial to note that access to accurate information about pregnancy termination, getting reliable abortion medication, and non judgmental professional care within the formal medical system are essential components for the overall well-being of individuals seeking abortion services.

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Medical Abortion

Medical abortion procedures Aka”” medication abortion involves taking two types of pills, mifepristone and misoprostol respectively.

  • Mifepristone is meant to block the female hormone progesterone. 
  • Misoprostol will then be taken and will assist with the expulsion of the uterus. 

This pregnancy termination procedure can be conducted immediately you notice you skipped your period and self medication can be done up to 12 weeks into the pregnancy. 

  1. You have an existing medical conditions like bleeding disorders, adrenal failure or elevated blood pressure
  2. Women who have been using steroids or anticoagulant medication.
  3. Lastly if you are allergic to certain medication medical abortion option wont be an option for you as well.

Surgical abortions also known as in-clinic procedures are performed by a trained medical professional in a clinical setting such as an abortion clinic or, occasionally, a hospital and these are mainly:-

Vacuum aspiration which is the most commonly used type of in-clinic abortion and takes place in the first 12 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Dilation and evacuation (D&E). typically used vacuum up to 16 weeks after your last period, or on pregnancies that seem to be complicated. eg an ectopic pregnancy. 

What type of Abortion is right for me?

Deciding on what the best abortion procedure would be is determined by two primary factors: the gestational age of the pregnancy and the individual’s medical history.

  • The gestational age, which refers to the number of weeks since the last menstrual period, plays a crucial role in determining which procedures are safe and effective.
  • Additionally, a patient’s previous medical conditions and treatments can influence the choice of abortion methods to be used during termination.

It’s important for patients seeking abortion to have a thorough consultation with a medical professional to discuss all available options and make an informed decision based on their specific circumstances.

How Much Does Abortion Cost

There are generally 3 main factors that might influence the cost of having an abortion. Primarily, these include:

  • 1. Gestational age: The duration of the pregnancy significantly affects the cost, with procedures typically becoming more expensive as the pregnancy progresses.
  • 2. Type of procedure: Different methods of abortion are available depending on the stage of pregnancy, each with its own associated costs.
  • 3. Clinic location: The geographical location of the abortion facility can impact pricing due to variations in regional healthcare costs and local regulations.

Do you need an affordable Safe Abortion Procedure?

Carlton Abortion Clinic offers confidential abortion services for terminating unplanned pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestation at competitive rates in order to accommodate women’s different needs:

  • A Medical abortion procedure can be accessed via our secure Tele-abortion option by women seeking privacy or lacking access to in-person facilities.
  • 2. We also offer Surgical procedures up to 18 weeks into the pregnancy and only performed at selected abortion clinics around South Africa. 


Regardless of the circumstances leading to the decision to have the pregnancy terminated, its also advisable to educate yourself about the possible abortion risks that might occur prioritizing safety and your health is key. Medical professionals also strongly advise women not to engage in using any unsafe unregulated methods for abortion.

Therefore seek proper medical care and guidance from licensed healthcare providers who can offer safe, legal, and medically approved options for pregnancy termination. 

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