best abortion option

What is The Best Abortion Option For Me?

Deciding on what the best abortion option would be when it comes to terminating a pregnancy is an intensely personal choice that women often grapple with, usually filled with emotional complexity and individual circumstances.

However before reaching a conclusion, it is crucial to first grasp the fundamental distinctions between medical and surgical abortion procedures in order to make informed decisions that align seamlessly with your unique situation.

Key Point!

There are only 2 types of abortion procedures which are safe and effective:- A medical abortion, which involves taking medication to terminate the pregnancy, and a Surgical termination of pregnancy, which involves using medical equipment to remove the contents of the womb.

Safe Abortion Methods for Different Stages of Pregnancy

The method of abortion you choose can depend on how far along you are in your pregnancy. For early pregnancies (up to 9 weeks), medical abortion is often the preferred option. For pregnancies between 9 to 20 weeks, a surgical abortion, such as vacuum aspiration, may be recommended.

What Is a Medical Abortion


Medical abortions involve taking medication specifically Mifepristone and Misoprostol to end a pregnancy, typically within the first ten weeks of gestation.

This is the most commonly used abortion procedure around the globe since it allows for privacy and can often be done at home without the need for invasive procedures.

However it is advisable to be used under the guidance of a trained medical professional to advise on signs of complications.  

Pros of a medical abortion

  • Privacy:- Can be conducted in your own privacy at home without visiting an abortion facility
  • Non-invasive: It does not require any kind of surgery or anesthesia.
  • Natural process: Feels similar to a heavy period, making it less intimidating for some similar to a miscarriage

The risks of a medical abortion

  • Some women may experience discomfort or other gastrointestinal disturbances that may add to the overall distress of undergoing a medical abortion.
  • Another critical risk involves the potential for acquiring an infection during recovery if proper hygiene practices are not observed. Infections after abortion can complicate recovery and lead to further health issues.
  • Furthermore, there is a possibility of encountering an incomplete abortion due to patients receiving an insufficient dosage of medication.

What Is a Surgical Abortion?


Surgical terminations entail a minor procedure performed by a healthcare professional in a clinical setting, which may be necessary for pregnancies beyond the early stages or in specific medical situations.

Surgical procedures are of tw0 types:- Vacuum Aspiration:- which can be done with local anesthetic or sedation. D&C:- Which requires the pregnancy to be removed using narrow forceps. 

Pros of a surgical abortion

  • Quick procedure: Typically takes less than 30 minutes.
  • High success rate: Almost always effective in a single procedure.
  • Less bleeding: Often results in lighter bleeding compared to medical abortion.
  • Convenient timing: Can be performed later into the pregnancy.
  • Uterine perforation (accidentally putting a hole in the uterus with one of the instruments used.
  • Scarring of the inside of the uterus.
  • Reaction to the medicines or anesthesia, such as problems breathing.

Factors that Determine What Procedure Will Be Conducted

several factors come into place when considering what abortion procedure  to choose. For a detailed guide covering all medical and surgical abortion options, visit our comprehensive guide to medical methods for pregnancy termination. However below are the most important ones that are always considered first.

1- Gestation period

  • As one prepares to terminate a pregnancy its important to understand that the  gestation period influences the choice of abortion procedure. For instance, in early pregnancies, typically within the first ten weeks, medical abortions may be preferred, but as gestation progresses especially into the second trimester, the abortion options may shift towards surgical.

2- Personal preference

  • Choosing what abortion procedures suits you best when it comes to terminating a pregnancy is a key aspect of reproductive autonomy, one may consider the appropriate abortion procedure depending on a variety of personal factors like, an individual’s health status, emotional considerations, and their own beliefs.

3- Costs involved

  • The cost of terminating a pregnancy solely depends on 3 major factors:- Weeks of pregnancy, type of procedure and termination clinic assisting you. So when searching for affordable pregnancy termination options its advisable to compare prices from different abortion centers.

4- Accessibility

  • Depending on where you live, you may have difficulty finding abortion providers that offer your preferred abortion option, which may also affect the type of care you receive. However a Telehealth consultation with a health care provider can help individuals understand their options for a medication abortion,  including those interested in abortions done at home.

5- Medical history

  • Women allergic to penicillin, have a previous cesarean, suffering from high blood pressure, or who are taking certain medications like blood thinners should first consult their abortion providers. For instance Blood-thinning medication can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during an abortion procedure.

How to Choose the Best Abortion Procedure Near Me

Medical Abortion Surgical Abortion

Available up to:-

Up to 10 weeks in to the pregnancy
from 6 weeks up to 23 weeks into the pregnancy

Where will it take place?

This can take place in your own privacy at home or at the abortion clinic
It takes place in one of our abortion clinics near you (or in a hospital).

Will i see the contents of the pregnancy?

Yes. There is a very high possibility that you will see all that will be expelled. 

No. Everything will be handled by the the nurse who will be assisting you with the process.  

How long will the process take?

Medical abortions take longer lasting between 6 – 8 hours 

Surgical abortions are very quick and can be done with 2 hours 

Side effects expected

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Cramping
  • Tiredness
  • Cramping

How long will i bleed?

Bleeding after a medical abortion can be heavy and last up to 4 weeks.

Bleeding after an in-clinic is always minimum and last up to 2 weeks 

How painful is the procedure?

Medical abortions tend to be more painful since it occurs naturally.

Surgical termination is less painful since its performed under a local anesthetic. 

How much does it cost?

Abortion pills cost relatively less and cost From R700 depending on the abortion clinic  

Surgical procedures can cost From R1500 and above depending on the duration of the pregnancy.

What complications can occur?

Complications rare happen but there is a slight chance that the procedure can be unsuccessful resulting into an incomplete abortion

Complications rare happen but there is a slight chance that the uterus can easily be damaged due to the sharp objects used during the process, also known as hemorrhage.

Essential After Care Tips Following an Abortion

Following key do’s and don’ts after pregnancy termination are crucial for a smooth recovery and minimizing complications. By adhering to these guidelines, you prioritize your health and gain knowledge that positively impacts your well-being during this sensitive time. Here are some aftercare tips to aid in physical and emotional healing:


  • Using sanitary pads instead of tampons is a prudent choice for menstrual hygiene, particularly when it comes to tracking any changes or irregulates that may occur throughout your cycle hence preventing infections.

Managing Pains

  • Cramping is normal and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  • Applying a warm heating pad to your lower abdomen can also help alleviate discomfort.

Rest & Recovery

  • Take it easy for the first 24–48 hours. Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for at least a week.
  • Gradually return to your normal routine as you feel better.

Eat Notorious Foods

  • Maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water and diluted juices to support your recovery.
  • Iron-rich foods (like spinach, lentils, and red meat) can help replenish your body after blood loss.


  • Do not insert anything into the vagina (tampons, menstrual cups, or sexual intercourse) for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid swimming pools, sitting in soap water or using bath tubs. These precautions are very essential in preventing infections after abortion.

In Summary ...

By comprehensively understanding those abortion options, alongside their respective benefits and potential risks — you will be better equipped to navigate this significant decision-making process. Ultimately, helping you move forward in a way that honors your beliefs and circumstances.

If you or a friend in need needs assistance with a confidential safe abortion procedure, you may contact Carlton women’s abortion clinic for affordable abortion services in Johannesburg

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