
Why Is Abortion Counselling Important for most women?

What is Abortion Counselling?

Abortion counselling is when a pregnant woman seeks advise from a certified counsellor to assist her make informed decisions about the pregnancy, and provide support before, during, and after an abortion

Many healthcare providers offer counseling services in safe confidential environments designed to help women explore their feelings and options without pressure or judgment.

Key Point

Abortion counseling has three main purposes:- 1) to help the applicant make a decision about the unwanted pregnancy, 2) to support her in implementing the decision, and 3) to assist her in controlling her future fertility.

What You Should About Abortion Counselling

Post-abortion counseling is offered to any client whos performed an abortion and feels like they are having trouble healing from their past trauma. Counsellors who specialize with such abortion services, may use any several treatment modes depending on their client‘s case and may divided into two parts as we might see below.

Non-directive counseling

In this approach, the counselor acts as a guide, allowing the individual to explore their thoughts, feelings, and concerns freely. The counselor does not provide solutions or direct the conversation but instead facilitates self-discovery and decision-making.

Directive counseling

In directive counseling, the counselor takes a more active role by providing the individual with guidance, advice, and possible solutions to the individual’s concerns especially through practical steps on how to solve the problem.

What Happens During a Counseling Session?


Like earlier on mentioned that counseling is designed to provide you with emotional support, clear information, and a safe space to discuss your options, Here’s a breakdown.

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • The counselor will introduce themselves, the medical institution she represents incase of public entity etc… This helps create a safe and respectful environment for both you and the counsellor. 

2- Confidentiality Discussion

  • The counselor clarifies that everything shared in the session is confidential, except in cases where there is a legal obligation to report (e.g., risk of harm to oneself or others).

3. Understanding Your Concerns

  • You will then be allowed to express your concerns, how you feel and also be asked a few personal questions about your physical and mental health.

4. Providing required Information

  • The counselor then explains the available abortion options, how its done, risks involved and perhaps discus future family options and how to prevent unplanned pregnancies.   

7. Summarizing and Planning Next Steps

  • The counselor reassures you that their support is ongoing and encourages you to reach out if you have further questions or need additional sessions.

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How to Find Professional Abortion Counselling Services?

Receiving abortion counselling services that aligns with your specific needs involves taking the points below into consideration:- 

  • Look for Reputable Clinics – Choose a licensed women’s clinic near you just like Carlton Women’s clinic that offers professional counselling services.
  • Consider Your Needs – Determine whether you need non-judgmental emotional support, medical guidance, or post-abortion care.
  • Ensure its a Pro-abortion Facility. Such a facility will be able to offer no judgmental support and advice. 


Choosing to have an abortion is a personal decision, and no abortion provider should persuade you into having the pregnancy terminated or keeping the pregnancy.

In case, you decide to have counselling on having an abortion, ensure to choose an unbiased and client-orientated counselling organization. like Oasis Women’s health clinic to be connected with a qualified counsellor or send an email to Carlton Women’s clinic Johannesburg to discuss the options available to you or ….

Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is an abortion?

While abortion can be a safe medical procedure when performed by qualified professionals following proper protocols, it’s crucial to rely on accurate information from reputable abortion providers.

Always avoid obtaining abortion medication online or through unofficial channels can pose significant risks to one’s health and safety.

How much does abortion cost?

Getting an abortion at a government hospital is very low cost or free for qualifying patients, but demand is high so the wait times can be longer. 

However with private legal abortion centers you will have to pay a fee. Medical abortions (using pills) in the first trimester tend to be on the lower end, around R1, 500 to R2, 500.

Surgical abortion procedures like vacuum aspiration or dilation and evacuation can cost R3, 000 or more.

Is abortion very painful?

While managing pain and discomfort associated with terminating a pregnancy can vary from individual to individual, it’s important to understand that modern medical procedures and proper pain management techniques can help mitigate these experiences.

Many certified abortion providers in Johannesburg offer counselling services and emotionally support after the termination procedure. This preparation can better prepare the patients mentally and emotionally for the potential physical sensations they may encounter.

Also those opting for surgical options,  such as local anesthesia, sedation, or other medications to minimize discomfort during the procedure itself.

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